Thursday, May 23, 2019

23rd May 2019

This new Swift came a banging on my nest boxes this morning, here in north Antrim, around 7.45am.

I hope it comes back again ... with a partner. 

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Sunday, May 19, 2019

19th May 2019

Delighted to have 3 Swifts screaming over my garden this morning ... first time this year.
I suspect it was my pair putting manners on a newcomer. 
They eventually saw it off but hopefully, like Arnie - it'll be back!

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18th May 2019

After so many dry, sunny days here, mid-morning I watched one of my Swifts simply leave the nest box, fly around above the house 3 or 4 times in the thick Mizzle & then just pop straight back into the box. It occurred to me that this was simply it's way of getting a drink, as it would surely be able to easily quench its thirst afterwards by just preening.

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May 15th 2019

I spotted my pair of Swifts over my house around 9.30pm tonight, so dashed inside to get my camera, but of course by the time I got back out they'd already flown into the nest box.

However, I hung around & as luck would have it, himself had accidentally flown into the wrong box. So here he is, in low light, looking out & then squeezing his way out, before shooting straight back into the correct nest box.

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Monday, May 13, 2019

My Swift's partner arrived!

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At last I saw my Swift's partner this afternoon, for the first time this year. So it looks like all systems are Go!
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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Hey, look who's back! 😎

Hey, look who's back! 

One of my pair of Swifts arrived back last night.

True to form, the head appeared at the entrance to #5 nest box around 9am this morning. 
Interesting to note that it's 8 days earlier than last year! 

They left with their last youngster from last year's nest on the 30th July.

It's quite amazing to think that for the past 9 + months, they have been on the wing ... constantly. 

No danger then of it having sore feet! 

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